Octopus with potatoes (Polp amb pataques)

Octopus with potatoes (Polp amb pataques)

Octopus with potatoes (Polp amb pataques)


  • An octopus of about1.200 a 1.500 kg
  • 1 kilo de potatoes
  • Oil


  • One head of garlic
  • Slice or fried bread
  • 1 ñora red pepper
  • Tsp sweet red pepper
  • Few toasted almonds
  • Mince all these together and mix to a paste with a litte white wine

Clean the octopus and cut it into 5 cm pieces. Heat some aoil in awide based casserole and put in the octopus. Let it cook for a while until any moisture has gone then cover with water; when it comes to the boil put in the rest of the minced ingredients. Let it all boil until the potatoes are tender. Serve from the same casserole if possible.